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Thursday, September 27, 2007

Holy Perfume Batman

I stink today. At least I think I do. No one else has said anything but........

I don't usually wear perfume. I don't know why, It's just not something I do. Today for some reason I did. I have 2 bottles of this perfume I like...liked. past tense. I don't know if it has always smelled this bad/strong and I just couldn't smell it (I have gotten compliments on it tho) OR if my skin itself smells different now and this perfume is just no longer working for me.

Either way, it's time to find a new scent.
This one's giving me a headache.

Oh GAWD. Have I been "that girl" and didn't know it? The one that is decribed by everyone as "You know that girl.......... the one with all the perfume?"


Chris said...

Funny...now we wonder.

A couple of weeks before my quit a woman made wafting gestures in front of her face when she got off the elevator. I had just taken a smoke break and was headed back to work. I felt bad because I didn't realize how strong the "aroma" was.

Anonymous said...

Eek. Odd stuff, this whole quitting smoking thing.

Tracee Sioux, Sioux Ink: Soul Purpose Publishing said...

You don't smoke anymore. So you don't stink as bad as you used too! Go buy yourself something new. I wrote about how now I'm sad that my kids and loved ones could have remembered "my smell" as that smoking smell. I have a blog about finding new coping strategies without smoking. I would love to exchange links. I'll add you to my blog roll now. You can find me at www.quitcoping.com .

Anonymous said...

Do the thing where you spray the perfume and then walk through it. Trust me, it will work. Basically, if you are standing there and you can smell (or see) a scent then you probably have too much on. And I'm on Chantix day 3. Ho hum