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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

No smoking day 26

I've been spending a lot of work "down time" on a topix message board about chantix. You can get a lot of good information there especially since a couple of the "old timers" were part of the first group of people to take chantix. Everything is discussed there, from side effects to weaning/quiting. Some of the people don't quite get along, but that's ok because it's entertaining to read. Plus they will stop bitching at each other as soon as someone needs some chantix info or needs help through a crave.

Anyway the site is here. That takes you to the general forum and then there are a couple of different chantix threads you can click on. The "chantix- September 2007- part 1" is the current general thread, there is also "chantix- problems after quiting or weaning- part 3", if you've already stopped taking chantix or are getting ready to and have any questions it's a good place to check out.

Okay, yesterday was decision time. After reading about a lot of people's quit, on the previously mentioned link, I decided to renew my prescription for another month of chantix. I didn't really do any kind of wean and I don't think coming right off of it is such a great idea. And to be totally honest, as much as I would like to do this on my own I think if I stop taking the chantix right now I would end up smoking again. But! I am not happy with the side effects. They seem to be happening to me more and more lately. The blah days are happening way more frequently and I am having a lot of trouble sleeping through the night.

So I plan on cutting down to .5mg twice a day for 4 weeks, then .5mg once a day for 3 weeks, then .25mg for 1 week.

Basically I'm going for an 8 week wean (sheesh). But the way I've broken it up only uses 3 of the 4 week supply, that way I will still have some pills and I can ramp back up if I start having problems (hopefully not) at any of the lower doses. It also gives me 2 more months to be sure I am 100% ready to do this on my own.


Anonymous said...

As someone who did a similar taper but just in a shorter timespan, I think it makes good sense. I'd still run it past your doc just to say you've done that, but I am glad to hear that you are not trying to rush things along going off before you feel ready. That's another one of those things where some folks are ready sooner than others, and it's important that we pay attention to what seems right for ourselves. You rock!

Hope said...

Hi maggie, I have a dr. appt. today, I do plan on talking about it with him but will probably stick to my plan whatever he says. lol. I already feel better after only 3 days of lowering my dose.

You rock too and I have a couple questions for you but I'll head over and put them in your comment section :)