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Monday, December 31, 2007

Almost 20 weeks of no smoking

Wow. Look at all the cobwebs in this place. I haven't been here in quite a while. Did you miss me? Did you wonder if I had gone back to smoking?

Well I'm happy to say I haven't. I just had to quit writing, and talking, and thinking about not smoking so much because all that thought spent on non smoking led to too much thinking about going back to smoking. Obsessing over it was beginning to get counter productive.

I kinda had to pull a see no smoking, hear no smoking, speak no smoking thing.

I still think about smoking everyday. I still think I want cigarette everyday but once I get around someone who is smoking I realize I don't really want one, but for whatever reason, after almost 20 weeks, my brain still thinks I do. I'm hoping that will go away soon.

Good luck to all of you quitters!

I'll be checking in more often again, I promise :)


Anonymous said...

Hope, so very glad to hear that you are still doing great! Happy New Year to you!

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